Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Rainy Day Musing

A rainy day Monday.

A gentle, soothing rain. A quiet, slow day for reflections.

Reflections in glass. Raindrops collecting and sitting still. Just waiting.

Today I'm going to start the daily practice of taking a photograph each day and writing about it. Can I do it? The problem, I fear, is not "can I do it?" but can I stop with just one? Today I shot this raindrop picture and then had another idea with a bird sculpture. I've spent about two hours so far.

Is that bad?

What else do I need to be doing?

Is it important that it's 10:30 and I'm still in my pajamas?

I don't know. I haven't quite gotten rid of the work tyrant in my head. He's still up there saying I should be doing something "important." But I've made him start defining important. I don't answer him as quickly as I used to. But he still debates and cajoles and scolds.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

If I hide behind the mask I show to the world,
And you hide behind a mask you find appropriate,
Who are we?
I will put mine down if you will, too.
You go first.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Did Spring outdo herself this year?

Or do I simply forget from year to year?

Monday, March 23, 2009

Walk in the Woods

Early spring in the deep sanctuary of the forest.
A shade of green only seen in March.
Tiny blossoms, towering trees.
Quiet whispers of 50 hikers who walk softly on sacred ground.
I will remember this day.

Friday, March 13, 2009


"You don't have to invent it, or buy it, or borrow it, or steal it from a saint. You have already got it. It is in you, but it is covered so thickly that you don't suspect that your very nature is love, your very essence is kindness."

---Eknath Easwaran

Friday, March 6, 2009

Dallas Arboretum

If I were a poet, perhaps I could think of some words.

I'm not.

I can't.

It was simply too beautiful for words.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Will you be my friend?

I got all caught up in this Facebook thing and I'm beginning to see how we are all woven together in a million little threads. Ying in Seattle has a whole list of friends, and they have friends who have friends, and I'm a friend of Ying's, so her friends are my friends and my friends are her friends, and don't you see? If we continue that way, it's only logical that there is a tiny village in Africa and someone there is my friend.